Special Treasures News 2013

In 2013 we faced several challenges but were still able to carry out some of the plans we had. Unfortunately, considering our monthly contributions and the funds we had, we were only able to enrol 50 of the over 100 children who had registered for the FEED programme, so that we could ensure the sustainability of the project. Thankfully this worked well as throughout the year we were able to maintain the feeding of the children chosen so that they could stay in school and benefit from an education. The children were also encouraged to attend weekend sessions at the Bulumbi Church of Uganda where they not only received spiritual and moral instruction but also learned leadership skills to assist them to become good citizens.

One of the other challenges we faced was exchanging information, as in the village access to computers and the internet is not readily available. This then impeded our progress particularly with regards to administrative matters and making necessary improvements and adjustments to our organisational structure to ensure efficient running of the project. Much time was also spent in a search for a local project manager with the skills to oversee the entire project as the priest who had done so to date was nowST planting finding it increasing difficult to carry out his church duties and also see after the project.

Thankfully the end of the year saw the clearing of about 8 acres of land which was prepared for the cultivation of maize to assist in the feeding of the children. The parents of the children in the project undertook this venture. In spite of an initial lack of rain in the early stages, we were still able to harvest approx. 800 kg to in March 2014. Praise the Lord!

Here in the UK, plans for the library went ahead as we continued to collect books for the project and sought to source laptops.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to those who supported us financially, with other donations, in prayer or in any other way during 2013.


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